Colour Examples

                             by Kei/Carnage

After  messing around with The Word's background palette over these last
few  issues  we've  finally  found  one  we  like  and have updated TWAT
accordingly.  However, it causes clashes with any articles formatted for
the  old  background  pallete  so this file has been updated to give you
some  ideas about colour codes rather than you sitting there thinking up
hex numbers that may look good only to discover that they clash with the
background or become hard to read.

A tip when trying to find colour codes that best suit your article is to
load  up  your  favourite text editor, then go to a shell prompt, change
directory  to  where  ever  your articles to be edited are located, type
TWAT,  and  press  LAMIGA+A  to  get  back to workbench, use LAMIGA+M to
locate  your  text  editor, then just use LAMIGA+A to switch between the
file  you are editing and TWAT so you can see how your article will look
in The Word when finished.

Anyways, here are some colour examples along with their codes.

Black $000

White $fff

Blood Red $900

Danger red $500

Burnt Red $300

Rusty Red $611

Dark Green $050

Light Green $7f7

Dark Blue $005

Fountain Pen Blue $00f

Biro Blue $00d

Light Blue $9ef

Dark Purple $402

Indigo Purple $624

Light Purple $cce

Light Brown $531

Dark Brown $420

Warm Yellow $ff0

Light Yellow $ff5

Pale Yellow $ff9

Flesh Pink $fcc

Deep Pink $faf

Light Orange $faa

Dark Orange $d88

Deep Orange $f96
